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The Last

Fullblooded Arconians

These are the last know Full Blooded Arconians to date that have shown them selves,here is all the info we have gathered on these Omen carrying beings.

An Omen in this universe is the embodiment of a trait whether it be good or bad. This one trait effects there life dramatically and even those around them. There Omen can ether be a living Hell or Heaven.

Ketsueki Sodatta

-Ketsueki, Omen of Blood and Tragedy-

Ketsueki's bloodline is rather odd, She is an Arconian/Demon, Her Father was a demon and her mother was an Arconian.This leaves many problems for Ketsueki since she is mentally unstable, Her being this rare breed she has many forms her two main forms being her Arconian form and her Demon Form(also her human/demon form). Her power level is rather high as she has the great power of an arconain and demonic power of a demon. It's usually hard to find Ketsueki but if she wants to be found she will let her presence be known.she is tricky, a high functioning sociopath, manipulative, playful, a likes to joke around with dark humor. 


Ketsueki's age is unknown. Ketsu suffers from Insomnia, Depression, Anxiety, and Slight Schizophrenia. Her mother died while giving birth to her since her demonic powers was to much for her mother's body to handle so she was raised by another guy that knew her mother well. Ketsuki is often seen as an omen of bad luck as trouble is not far behind her. Just Beware the beast that lies below!




-Paradox,Omen Sadness and Forgiveness-

-Dimensional Gate Keeper-

Paradox does not have any parents that he can remember and practically

raised himself,he was born when the mass tragedy across his species was going on.

Paradox,given the name,sometimes creates time space paradox's.

His wings among his kind are rare as they are usually suppose to be galactic colored but his are the of a barn owl.

He often sits down contemplating his life leaving him a depressed state,though despite this he is kind,gentle,loving,caring,and his aura is rather sweet.


-Yana,Omen of Blindness-

Yana is rather blind to the world and thinks shes useless, but little does she know

she is in line for great things.

Yana use to think she was the last true Arconian but she quickly learns other wise.

She is peppy and fun to be around she loves making jokes and enjoys exploring.

Yana is actually quite short ranging around 5'2.

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